Friday, November 15, 2013

Mapping Your First Parking Lot

A parking lot is a great place to start learning how to map roads. Mistakes here won't normally get anyone lost and many of the more complicated aspects of road names and routes can be avoided for now.

However, this is still an advanced blog, so I'm not going to repeat everything found on the Map Maker help website. I'll assume you can at least navigate the Map Maker page and that a verbal description of selecting tools will suffice.

Let's begin...

Start at the entrance. Our first edit will be simple as there are no turn segments or split roadways (divided roads needing parallel one-way segments). Find the parking lot in Map Maker, zoom is as far as possible (this can vary in different places), and then click the Add Roads Rivers, Railways in the Add New menu.

Set the very first point directly at the point our new entry segment will connect to the main roadway outside the parking lot and then add more points to continue that entry as far as possible, but do not continue this road by making any turns at intersections! Here's our first example:

Notice the first point was directly on the roadway and we only went to the first intersection. You might be tempted to continue drawing your line as far as possible, around corners and such, to get as much done in one edit as possible. It can be done, but edits like that are fraught with problems where roads won't connect properly and segment usage cannot be set properly.

Click Done and you will get a popup like this:

Clear all check boxes except for the "Create a new Road" box. This is a new road. Checking any of those boxes will cause those routes (and road names) to be copied onto our new road. We don't want that. This is a new road. If we draw the parking lot correctly, almost every road we add will be a new road. Click Next to continue.

Note: since this blog was written, Google's policy on parking lots has evolved a little. We're still supposed to mark all segments with the Enclosed Traffic Area/Parking Lot segment usage, but we're now supposed to mark thoroughfares with the Local priority and parking aisles with the Terminal priority. Marking thoroughfares with the Local priority is not required, but helps with navigation directions. In the rest of this tutorial we'll only be using the Terminal priority, but I will add information on which segments can be set to the Local priority.
See for more information on the Enclosed Traffic Area/Parking Lot segment usage.
Here we fill out the important information about this new road. The Local or Terminal priority for thoroughfares or aisles, number of lanes, maximum speed, and Enclosed Traffic Area/Parking Lot segment usage are important. The defaults on everything else is usually sufficient, but can be adjusted as needed. Click Save and get this:

As much as you'd like to continue mapping here, we can't. This pending edit will prevent any new edits from being configured correctly. You can try, but the attribute screen won't show up and you'll likely attempt to create a road with the wrong priority and wrong segment usage. This is what you'd see:

Don't do this! Be patient. In the meantime, maybe go to the other side of the parking lot and add another segment. As long as they don't touch, or touch the same road, you can create another segment and eventually get everything connected.

OK, so that previous edit finally gets approved and we add the next segment. This may seem tedious and may seem like it will take more time, but it actually goes faster because these edits come up for review faster than "pending" edits, and you'd still have to go back and change that segment to get the attributes right which means it takes much longer doing it the wrong way (unless a reviewer does all the work for you...but that's not why we're doing it?).

When we click Done we'll see another of those "Extend" or "Create" popups. Again, this is a new road, so select "Create a new Road." Set the priority to Terminal (or Local for thoroughfares), Lanes will probably already be correct (2 is the default), the speed should be set appropriately (15 mph is normal) and add that Enclosed Traffic Area/Parking Lot segment usage. Click Save and then work somewhere else while waiting for an approval. As you can see below, I went ahead and added another segment starting at a different entrance. I'm now able to wait for either of these to get approved before moving on.

Things start getting really exiting as we make more progress. My next edit looks like this. One continuous segment which represents a route that doesn't involve making any turns (just curves).

My next edit is rather simple, but it does something special. Adding this segment will split the parking lot in two parts which can each be worked on separately without worrying about the pending edit problem. I'll show you on the next edit.

Once this was approved I was able to add the back parking lot entrance and one of the parking aisles without running into a pending edit. I then added the long segment across the west end of the parking lot and the next parking aisle on the south side.


OK, so two edits at a time isn't very exciting, but there's another parking lot across the street I can start on as well so I just keep this up until everything is added...

And as a reward, we've received an excellent edit record!

Thanks for reading!


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